Tables are often used to organize and present information, but they have a variety of uses as well. You can now use these controls in a document. For example, if you were to copy the text on this page to a Word file, this text would remain bold, and this text would remain blue. NET solutions, to Office 365 and SharePoint development, we can help. Use the Text property of a Range object to insert text in a document. Adding images that don't move along with the text in Word 2016. Start with a blank Microsoft Word document, go to the "Insert" tab on the Ribbon. Select an option from the drop-down list.

From the Insert tab, in the Text group, select WordArt. If you want to make the word colored like a rainbow, right-click the word and choose Format Shape at the bottom of the menu. choose the No Color item in the Fill section and choose the Clear style in the Patterns section (if. For example, an empty line or several spaces in the text.

The text box will appear in the selected fill color. Click Insert > Text Box > Draw Text Box, see screenshot: 2. Highlight the first line of text and on the Insert tab in the petition Text choose Word Art. Select all of the text, CTRL+A and copy the text, CTRL+C. Method 2: Type text in a text box with color. Go to the place in the document where you want to re-use the selected text. Give the bookmark a meaningful name, click Add, then click OK.
Apply the outline text effect in word 2016 how to#
All of the sentences are helpful hints on how to use Word. To make the text a little bit more interesting, we will also add an outline. Go to HOME TAB>CONDITIONAL FORMATTING>NEW RULE. Type a name for your template in the File name box. This gives you all your options for adding text effects. Use the multiple-choice quiz maker to run.

On the Home tab, click the Font size drop-down arrow.